Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Clean up your mess

Bryan will love this. I hesitate to admit it but...like Bryan I fell up the stairs yesterday. I know, I know you have a hard time believing it but its true. Bryan is slowly growing into his rather large size 11 feet. I am not sure what my problem was yesterday but the day was littered with incidents and accidents. In completing a few of my "honey do" items I was running around the house fixing things like, the uneven toilet in our bathroom (your welcome Dana). I felt like I was on a roller coaster every time I...you know, sat down. Later, I was making a fresh pot of coffee, turned to the frigerator grabbed a half gallon of milk, squeezing the side and you bet, it slipped out of my hand. A quart or so of milk went everywhere. I think B did this just before he left on his termite eating endeavor. I laughed so loud my neighbors I am sure heard. It was like I was trapped in time and couldn't move. I was standing in a puddle of spilled milk . I have watched my boys do the same thing countless times! I waded through the milk toward the towels and began to clean up my mess. I even used cleaning supplies, amazing! I tossed the towel in the washing machine and headed off to work. Remember, a quart of milk was spilled. When I got home last night, the house smelled horrible! I walked through the house looking for Jo Jo (our dog) that had obviously died. I wasn't so lucky, just kidding. I found it! The towels were soured so I started the washing machine.

The book of Numbers has been a great read preparing for Wednesday. Reading the first few chapters I ended in chapter 5:1-10. God is really big on Holiness and us us dealing treacherously with sin in our lives. It is amazing how quick we dismiss our error by saying we are sorry never really dealing with the mess. The Lord tells Moses to instruct his people that when they sin they are to 1) Confess it. Own up to it. Admit that the sin was committed in "unfaithfulness to the Lord". 2) Make restitution. Because you have sinned, you have taken something away from someone. You have to make that right. Dealing with sin can be a public matter. Its messy.

This morning while I was running, I thought about a situation I need to make right. I will do that by the end of the week.



Dana said...

Thank you so much for fixing that toilet! I am looking forward to using it. I love you so much!

Anonymous said...

I can just picture you wading in the milk. It's a shame Dana and the boys missed such a funny moment. :)

I'm glad things are going well at church. We miss you guys a lot!!!!!!!

kristin rene said...

hahahhahhahahah and you make fun of me you big dork :) lol now im gonna call you the old soured milk man whose feet dont work with his body no more :) just kidding ken lol thats for pointing me out in church all the time