Monday, June 2, 2008

Church Discipline

I teach the 6th and 7th grade guys here at Dayspring. What a great group! There is no greater pocket of incredible leadership and potential. These young men have matured so much the last few months evidenced in the topic we discussed Sunday. We looked at I Corinthians 5:1-13. The issue at hand is "someone in the church is taking their Mom to the Prom". That's how Mark Driscoll describes it anway. It was amazing to see the guys get the importance of establishing a firm foundation and implementing church discipline when needed...for the sake of the fellowship. At the beginning of every small group, if the guys don't have their Bibles, they do push ups. For the most part, they assume the position if they don't have it when we begin. I ended our group telling them why it is so important to know God's word and read and study God's word. In that group there no doubt are pastor's and church leaders. If they don't hold with a tight fist the non negotiables, the"little leaven" over time will consume the lump and the church will no longer be effective.

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